Roland AIRA - Coming Soon

Roland AIRA - Coming Soon
Roland AIRA -- Coming Soon Teaser | Full Compass
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Here's the AIRA product lineup:

SYSTEM-1: Back in the 1970s, Roland launched the SYSTEM 100, SYSTEM 100M, and the now almost mythical SYSTEM 700. These modular and semi-modular synthesizers are heralded to this day for their flexibility and character of sound. In the spirit of its predecessors, the SYSTEM-1 breaks new ground with remarkable flexibility and access to a vast palette of tones with the bold, unmistakable character associated with Roland synthesizers for nearly four decades.

TB-3: Based on the wildly influential TB-303, the new TB-3 Touch Bassline is a performance-ready bass synthesizer with authentic sound and intuitive controls engineered to play. The TB-3 contains the unmistakable character of its predecessor, wrapped in a modern package with a pressure-sensitive touch pad that makes both playing and programming a total joy.

TR-8: The TR-8 is a performance rhythm machine that melds the legendary sound and vibe of the TR-808 and TR-909 with features and functions for the modern age. Genre-defining sounds, classic effects, unprecedented live pattern manipulation, and solid, intuitive performance controls. It’s the TR…evolved.

VT-3: Aggressively processed vocals are common in electronic music today, but producing these effects easily and reproducing them live has been a challenge—until now. With the VT-3 Voice TransformerFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A passive electromagnetic device that uses one or more coils of wire to isolate or split signals. Also may convert impedance and voltage levels. May be used to eliminate ground loops, reduce Rf interference or crosstalk.
, you can smoothly alter pitchFullcompass LogoDefinition:
For a given range of audio frequencies, pitch represents where a single sound falls within that range.
and formantFullcompass LogoDefinition:
The resonant characteristics of an instrument or person's voice that does not change with pitch.
in real time to introduce heavily processed vocal sounds into your studio tracks and stage performances with zero hassle. On top of that, the VT-3 looks great and works seamlessly with other products in the AIRA series.

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