Audient MiCO Dual Microphone Preamplifier Review

Audient MiCO Dual Microphone Preamplifier Review
Audient MiCO Dual Microphone Preamplifier Overview | Full Compass
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Mico is a compact, feature packed twin microphone preamplifierFullcompass LogoDefinition:
An amplifier that boosts low-level signals, such as those from phonograph cartridges, microphones, and instrument pickups to line level. May be stand-alone, or integrated into a device like a mixer.
with built-in ultra-high quality analogue digitalFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A signal or data expressed as series of the digits 0 and 1, typically represented by values of a physical quantity such as voltage or magnetic polarization.
conversion, making it an ideal front-end for desk-top users.

Bypass your interface's mic pres and converters and bring world class recordings to your desk top. Mico is a compact, feature packed twin microphone preamplifier with built-in ultra-high quality analogue digital conversion, making it an ideal front-end for desktop users. The front-end design is Audient's renowned discrete Class A design, also used in the ASP008 and the ASP8024 mixing consoleFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A control surface for audio, video, or lighting control positioned like a desk. Also called, Mixer, Controller, Board, or (British) Desk.
- guaranteeing outstanding sonic accuracy and detail.

Vintage character and precise phaseFullcompass LogoDefinition:
Sound waves are variations in air pressure that, like water waves, have peaks and troughs. Phase is the waveform's position in its current cycle. For example, if two versions of the same waveform are both at their peak, or at their trough, they're considered in phase. If one is at its peak and one is at its trough, they are considered out of phase. If one is at its peak and the other is at zero (between the peak and trough), then the two waveforms are 90 degrees out of phase. Cf. Polarity
alignment at your fingertips. Mico features one channelFullcompass LogoDefinition:
1. In radio, television, citizen's band radio, and other wireless communications modes, a specific frequency for communication. 2. In mixers and video, an input or output signal path with controls. 3. In MIDI, one of 16 data paths.
of the unique HMX harmonicFullcompass LogoDefinition:
An integer multiple of a frequency in sound and radio frequencies.
sculpting making the creation of vintage style character and complexity as simple as turning one knob. For recording a single source with twin mics or mic+DI, the Variphase control on Mico's second channel allows precise phase alignment (or creative misalignment) of the two signal paths.

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