AAdynTech JAB Hurricane 5600K IP65 Rated Light Fixture Overview

AAdynTech JAB Hurricane 5600K IP65 Rated Light Fixture Overview
AAdynTech JAB Hurricane 5600K IP65 Rated Light Fixture Overview | Full Compass
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The AAdynTech JAB Hurricane is one of the most powerful compact all-weather IP65 rated LEDFullcompass LogoDefinition:
LED (Light-Emitting Diode): A semiconductor light generator used in displays, television, pointers and for general illumination. It is a low-power replacement for incandescent lamps.
fixtures available on the market today. It delivers an impressive 2.360 foot-candles at 10 feet while consuming only 1.77 amps at full power and can also be operated via 28.8 volt DCFullcompass LogoDefinition:
Direct Current. Current that flows only in one direction, as opposed to AC (Alternating Current). Typically derived from batteries or DC power supplies.
battery power making it ideal for any remoteFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A broadcast from the field, not from the studio. A Remote Control.
production where power is limited. The IP65 rating totally protects the Hurricane from dust and water from any direction.

The JAB Hurricane boasts fan-less convection cooling and flicker-free operation up to 12,000 frames per second. High optical efficiency provides a single light-source, eliminating multiple shadows, and quick change lenses vary the beam angleFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A typical lighting fixture emits light as a V, with the point of the V starting at the lighting source. Beam angle defines the angle of the V.
between spot, medium and flood while maintaining a flat, even illumination field. PassiveFullcompass LogoDefinition:
An electrical device or circuit whose parts require no power (e.g., there are no transistors or tubes).
convection cooling provides silent operation and instant ON at all times ensures no warm-up wait time on set.

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AAdynTech JAB Hurricane 5600K IP65 Rated Light Fixture

AAdynTech JAB Hurricane 5600K IP65 Rated Light Fixture

The AAdynTech JAB Hurricane stands out as the most potent compact LED fixture on the market today, boasting an all-weather IP65 rating

$5,175.00 View Details

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  • AAdynTech

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