AAdynTech JAB V2 Variable Adjustable Light Fixture Overview

AAdynTech JAB V2 Variable Adjustable Light Fixture Overview
AAdynTech JAB V2 Variable Adjustable Light Fixture Overview | Full Compass
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The JAB V2 Variable from AAdynTech has an adjustable color temperatureFullcompass LogoDefinition:
Expressed in Kelvin, the reddish or blueish qualities of light.
range of 3,000°K to 6,000°K and develops an output of 2,100 fc at 10 feet. Most remarkable is the Variable draws only 1.78 ampFullcompass LogoDefinition:
Abbreviation for either Ampere or Amplifier.
of power at full output, and can be operated at 28.8v DCFullcompass LogoDefinition:
Direct Current. Current that flows only in one direction, as opposed to AC (Alternating Current). Typically derived from batteries or DC power supplies.
battery power all day long.

Like all AAdynTech fixtures, the Variable generates no heat or harmful UV or IRFullcompass LogoDefinition:
(InfraRed) invisible light used for remote control devices and for IR wireless audio involving headsets and microphones.
emissions, is self-contained with an auto-ranging universal power supplyFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A device (internal or external to another device) that provides power for active circuitry. Can be AC, DC or battery-powered.
requiring no ballastFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A high-voltage power supply for discharge-based lamps.
, head cables or lamps, and instant ON ensures no warm-up wait time on set.

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AAdynTech JAB V2 Variable 3000K to 6000K Adjustable Light Fixture

AAdynTech JAB V2 Variable 3000K to 6000K Adjustable Light Fixture

The JAB V2 Variable from AAdynTech has an adjustable color temperature range of 3,000°K to 6,000°K and develops an output of 2,100 fc at 10 feet

$4,500.00 View Details

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  • AAdynTech

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