Novation Launchpad for iPad – Launchpad Mini Performance

Novation Launchpad for iPad – Launchpad Mini Performance
Novation Launchpad for iPad – Launchpad Mini Performance | Full Compass
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The Novation Launchpad Mini MK2 is Novation's most compact and affordable Launchpad grid instrument for Ableton Live. It offers all the functionality of the original Launchpad in a smaller and more portable controllerFullcompass LogoDefinition:
1. A MIDI device (keyboard, guitar with appropriate interface, etc.) that alters parameters in a synthesizer or other MIDI sound generator. 2. A device (e.g., modulation wheel, pitch bender, ribbon controller, etc.) that varies some specific parameter in a synthesizer or other MIDI sound generator.
that is ideal for compact setups.

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