Behringer MONITOR2USB Speaker and Headphone Controller Overview

Behringer MONITOR2USB Speaker and Headphone Controller Overview
Behringer MONITOR2USB Speaker and Headphone Controller Overview | Full Compass
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When it’s time to get down to the business of recording or mixing, you want the ultimate sound quality from your monitoring system – and the last thing you’ll want is to crawl around under your desk running cables. Behringer's MONITOR2USB gets you off the floor and puts VCA-controlled Volume, Source selection, Phones and Monitor control right at your fingertips.

With the MONITOR2USB you can select from 3 sets of active studio monitors, 2 different stereoFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A two channel signal simulating a sound space, typically played through two speakers.
sources, plus a USBFullcompass LogoDefinition:
(Universal Serial Bus) A standard, bi-directional serial connection between computers and peripheral devices.
input for your DAWFullcompass LogoDefinition:
DAW (Digital Audio Workstation): A computer program or stand-alone device that provides digital audio recording, editing, and mixing.
– to create powerful, custom monitor mixes – all in pristine, audiophile-grade sound quality.

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  • Behringer

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