Blizzard Lighting NOVA LED Moving Head Multi-Beam Fixture Overview

Blizzard Lighting NOVA LED Moving Head Multi-Beam Fixture Overview
Blizzard Lighting Nova LED Moving Head Multi-Beam Fixture Overview | Full Compass
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Like its namesake, the NOVA™ from Blizzard Lighting is a captivating sight to see with features distinctive to LEDFullcompass LogoDefinition:
LED (Light-Emitting Diode): A semiconductor light generator used in displays, television, pointers and for general illumination. It is a low-power replacement for incandescent lamps.
moving headFullcompass LogoDefinition:
Motorized light fixtures that can move in 1 or 2 axes.
fixtures. It is capable of many unique features such as mind bending pulsating effects, rotating narrow LED beams, split beam colors, mesmerizing 5°-40° beam spread fluctuation from slow to blazing fast speeds, and a whole lot more!

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