ADAM Audio A7X 7" Near-Field 2-Way Active Studio Monitor Review

ADAM Audio A7X 7" Near-Field 2-Way Active Studio Monitor Review
ADAM Audio A7X 7" Near-Field 2-Way Active Studio Monitor Overview | Full Compass
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The predecessor to ADAM Audio's A7X, the A7, became the most famous of all ADAM monitors in a very short time. Not only has it been reviewed over three dozen times with outstanding results, it has also received numerous awards. The A7 quickly gained mass appeal, praised in many of the world's largest internet forums. Still today, the A7 are the reference monitors in many smaller studios. With the A7X, ADAM Audio proudly presents the evolution of a legend. It takes everything that made the A7 such an outstanding speaker to a new level.

The first aspect that distiguishes the old from the newer model is the X-ART tweeterFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A loudspeaker's high-frequency driver element.
. The "X" stands for "eXtended frequency response" and thus for one of the features of the Accelerating Ribbon Technology that has been drastically improved: the frequency responseFullcompass LogoDefinition:
The range of frequencies that an audio, video or data device can pass.
. It now extends all the way up to 50 kHzFullcompass LogoDefinition:
kHz (Kilohertz): 1,000 Hertz, or one thousand cycles per second.
. In addition, the X-ART tweeter has a higher efficiency and higher maximum sound pressure levels.

The perfect integration with the lower frequencies has been achieved with a redesigned 7" midwoofer. It has a much bigger voice coilFullcompass LogoDefinition:
A coil of wire attached to a loudspeaker cone or diaphragm around a stationary magnet. Applying current to the coil moves the speaker.
(1.5") and is driven by an amplifierFullcompass LogoDefinition:
1. A device that increases the voltage or power of a signal. 2. In music performance, a device such as a guitar amplifier that includes speakers and controls to increase the sound level of acoustic or electric instruments.
with twice the power compared to its predecessor. This combination produces an amazing sound and pressure levels with an almost distortion-free musical reproduction.

Each driver has its own dedicatedFullcompass LogoDefinition:
Designed or used to do a specific task or set of tasks.
amplifier. A 50W A/B ampFullcompass LogoDefinition:
Abbreviation for either Ampere or Amplifier.
is responsible for the X-ART tweeter, while the midwoofer is being driven by a 100W PWM amplifier. The front panel includes a power switch and a control for the volume that retains the volume setting independently from the on/off switch.

On the rear panel are several additional controls: a gain for the high frequencies (± 4dB) and two shelf filters for high and low frequencies.
To ensure greater compatibility, there are both XLR (balanced) and RCAFullcompass LogoDefinition:
(Radio Corporation of America) Known for the (RCA) phono plug and jack, among many other inventions. See Phone Plug. See Phono Jack.
(unbalanced) connectors.

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